logoDeveloper Templates

    Saas Developer Templates - Build SaaS Faster

    Pre-built, high-quality SaaS template to accelerate your development process. Save time, reduce complexity, and launch your product faster.

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    Saas developer templatesSaaS Developer Templates

    SaaS Developer Templates is a comprehensive platform designed to accelerate the development of Software as a Service (SaaS) applications. Key features include:

    Pre built landing pagesPre-built Landing Pages

    Ready-to-use templates for waitlists, pre-orders, and more, facilitating quick product launches.

    Seamless payment processingSeamless Payment Processing

    Supports various payment models, including subscriptions and one-time payments, with easy integration for waitlist pages.

    Integrated authenticationIntegrated Authentication

    Pre-configured with NextAuth, offering support for email, Google, and over 60 other providers, along with role-based access control.

    Admin panelAdmin Panel

    An intuitive interface to manage pricing, subscription plans, and other administrative tasks.

    User dashboardUser Dashboard

    Dedicated space for users to manage their subscriptions and account details.

    Email service integrationEmail Service Integration

    Compatible with services like MailChimp and Loops, or any SMTP credentials, enabling direct email communication from the platform.

    Scalable database setupScalable Database Setup

    Utilizes Prisma ORM with pre-configured table schemas to ensure scalability and flexibility.

    Ui kit with tailored componentsUI Kit with Tailored Components

    Access to a set of stunning UI components using TailwindCSS and ShadCN UI for consistent design.

    Chrome extension boilerplateChrome Extension Boilerplate

    Ready-to-use boilerplate with built-in authentication support for quick deployment of browser extensions.

    Code quality toolsCode Quality Tools

    Includes ESLint, Husky, and Prettier to maintain a clean, readable, and consistent codebase.

    Progressive web app pwa supportProgressive Web App (PWA) Support

    Fully supported for offline-first functionality, ensuring high performance and reliability for users.

    Seo optimizationSEO Optimization

    Automated generation of sitemaps, robots.txt, and SEO-friendly configurations for improved search engine visibility.

    Content management systemContent Management System

    Create and manage blogs, privacy policies, terms of service, and change logs using an MDX-based library.

    Built in email featuresBuilt-in Email Features

    Send emails via any SMTP service with built-in email functionality for seamless communication.

    Secure apisSecure APIs

    Auth-based and role-based APIs with higher-order functions and secure hooks to prevent unauthorized access.

    These features collectively enable developers to build SaaS applications more efficiently, reducing complexity and accelerating time-to-market.


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